WordPress is one of the best Content Management System in the whole world. WordPress is a great open-source CMS that promotes its users to innovate something new. But it was a time when it started hard to keep up for with those innovations and that is when the WordPress Plugin Repository was created. The repository is a place where you can find all the WordPress plugins you want. These WP plugins are gathered together and shared with the huge community of users around the globe.
But more than that, it is a place wherever developers will head to see what’s already out there, what they’ll base their new work on, and what needs to be improved.
Additionally to end-user utilities that anyone will download for his or her WordPress wants, there are plenty of development tools, together with wiki-based version management and a bug tracker, that the WP development community is welcomed to use. Everything is licensed underneath GPL unless noted within the source, thus almost everything is open.
CodePress Admin

The Posts screen inside your WordPress dashboard display the post name, category, tags however with CodePress, you’ll be able to add new columns to the view displaying meta information related to the posts. as an example, you will show featured pictures next to the post title or even the worth of a selected custom field.

This will help you manage your MySQL databases from the WordPress dashboard itself. you’ll be able to run SQL queries, browse tables or perform database optimization. simpler than phpMyAdmin.

Enable two-step authentication for your WordPress blog, kind of like Dropbox or your Gmail account. Authy is additionally a decent alternative for enabling 2-factor authentication in WordPress.
Debug Queries
Is your website slow? Use the debug Queries plugin to see that which MySQL queries are taking longer time to execute and therefore slowing down the website. Debug Bar is another connected plugin that shows PHP warnings, queries and alternative useful debugging info in the WordPress admin bar.
This plugin will assist you in backing up your WP database manually as well as you can also scheduled the job for automatic backup and the WP database files will be sent to your specified email address at some set intervals. While Advanced users can use WP-DBManager to run the SQL queries against their WP database without the phpMyAdmin tool.
Limit Login Attempts

Limit Login Attempts logs the IP(Internet Protocol) address and the exact date & time as well, when a user is trying to log into your WordPress blog or site and also keeps track of all unsuccessful login attempts for your WordPress site. The Admin, in this case you, can automatically lock out users after they have made some ‘n’ number of unsuccessful login attempts.
Threat Scan
If you really want to keep your WordPress site clean and want to be noticed for any suspicious activity on your WordPress site, then you should use the Threat Scan plugin for sure to automatically scan your PHP files as well as your WordPress database for any malicious code that may have been injected from the backdoor.
Nice Search
Are you tired of the search page permalinks in your WordPress website then you should be using this plugin. The Nice Search plugin creates neat and clean permalinks for your WordPress search pages. For an example , /?s=webdesigner%20pad will be redirected to /search/webdesigner+pad.
Assets Minify
You might know this that Google’s PageSpeed guidelines & tips suggests that to make your web page more responsive the best way is to minimize the number of files that should be downloaded when the web page is loaded in the browser. You can use the Minify plugin to combine and compress all the JS (JavaScript) and CSS(Cascading Style Sheets) files and thus results in to make your website more faster.
Search Regex
Search Regex plugin adds an extremely powerful search and replace capabilities to your WordPress blog. You can now find and replace nearly any sort of data stored on your awesome WordPress site including but not limited to the post titles, comments, excerpts, along with the meta data. This plugin even has a support for regular expressions.
This plugin adds related posts in the current article or post. The related posts may be contextually related to the content of the your current article. It also helps display your best archived content to the search bots like Google.
WP Optimize

You should use the WP Optimize plugin in order to clean-up your WordPress database tables and data. This WP plugin can remove revisions of post , trashed spam comments and also optimizes your MySQL tables so that it works perfectly & more efficiently plus it also consumes less space.
Yoast SEO

Worried about the Search Engine Optimization.The Yoast SEO is probably the best SEO plugin you should install for your WordPress blog or website. This most popular SEO plugin helps you create better post titles, plus you can also block duplicate pages (such as archive ones) from search engines, and it also adds the required meta tags that results in more SEO-friendly Google snippets.
If a URL(Uniform Resource Locator) of an existing post has altered or if an external web page is linking to a non-existent web page on your website or blog, you can create redirection rules with which you can automatically forward all the incoming traffic to the correct pages.
Bing 404
You better know that a 404 page is a waste of time for a visitor. But if some visitor lands on a 404 page of your website for which redirection is not enabled, the Bing 404 plug-in will display links to some related content.
Google XML Sitemaps

Though you want Google and other search engines to know about each and every page of your WordPress website or blog, an XML sitemap is a must and this plug-in lets you generate XML sitemap in a single click.
XML Video Sitemap
The XML Video sitemap plugin creates an XML Sitemap for your WordPress blog or site with each and every YouTube videos that are embedded in your posts.
W3 Total Cache

This plugin will help you increase your websites page speed along with decreased load time. W3 Total Cache helps you minify your scripts, add expiry headers to static images, cache database queries and much more.
P3 Profiler

Struggling to check out which plugins are affecting your WordPress blog. Here’s the solution use the P3 profiler WP plugin to figure out which WordPress plugins are affecting and slowing down your WP website.
Regenerate Thumbnails
Regenerate thumbnails adds a feature to your WordPress website to regenerate your thumbnails including your featured image.
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